Welcome to Get Stretchy™

I created this video training program so you can increase your range of motion, flexibility, strength, posture and overall well-being. You can do these stretches again and again to continue to build your progress. Purchase it once and you will have access to it anywhere you have a smartphone, any time, for life!

Get Stretchy

A 30-day stretching program that will energize your brain and relieve pain caused by tightness with stretching for just 20-30 minutes a day.


  • Loosen tension fast: Mobility exercises immediately lubricate the joints, helping you to move your body with ease.
  • Prevent injuries: Rigid muscles tear easily, while supple bodies are more resilient to accidents
  • Live consciously: Being flexible and stretching daily connects mind to body and helps you live an abundant, connected life
  • Improve posture: Stretching increases conscious movement and alignment
  • Boost cognitive function: Mobility exercises increase blood circulation to the joints, organs, and brain. More blood flow positively improves your brain power
  • Fall asleep faster: Ease and calm the mind at the end of your day

Who is Get Stretchy for?

  • You live a sedentary lifestyle
  • You have limited time to improve your body’s well-being
  • You want to make up your brain in the morning through movement
  • You need something a night to help wind you down and get ready for bed
  • Your daily regimen needs an upgrade and stretching is not already apart of it
  • You do not want to wait any longer and you are ready to commit and do what it takes to lead a healthy life

Who should NOT do Get Stretchy?

  • You are not ready to take responsibility for your body’s vitality
  • Youd rather use 20 minutes of your day towards more sitting
  • You are willing to continue living with painful ailments, prescription drugs, and potential future surgeries due to injuries caused by tightness and poor posture
  • You are injured and have been notified by a licensed medical professional to not engage in physical activity

Get Stretchy™ Now

$39.99 Add to cart

Get Stretchy™ Now

$39.99 Add to cart

Get Stretchy™ Includes:

• 30 days of guided videos and articles
• Beginning assessment quiz to track your progress
• Daily 10-15 minute morning mobility video
• Daily 10-15 minute evening stretch and meditation video
• 14 tips of stretching


• Yoga mat (or carpeted floors)
• Small towel
• Sturdy chair

Already Purchased?

Click the image below to access the Get Stretchy™ workout page or click here.

Get Stretchy Workout Page


Read how Get Stretchy™ makes people feel awesome…

Q: How has your body awareness been affected?

A: Body awareness with an honest, grounded mindset and discipline, I can make positive changes to my daily life – I can also disarm pain, in whatever form, in a few minutes of Get Stretchy and breathing – this is a real challenge to transcend, but so worth the effort!

Timothy Curran
Q: How has your sleep been affected by the night stretches?

A: I slept like a baby! What I noticed more than anything else, however, was a warm sensation going all through my legs as I sat and relaxed long after the stretch. It was a happy feeling and it left me wondering what I’d activated! I think I’m in love with this challenge already! 

Aimee Arnold
Q: How has your cognitive clarity been affected by the morning mobility exercises?

A: I have been able to think things through a little better and accomplish household tasks that I’m usually too lazy to do. 

Nakazi Carroll
Q: How has your body awareness changed from this plan? 

A: I am now very aware that my hip and shoulder on right side seem to have less flexibility than left side. Engaging stomach is a big challenge – I am now doing it consciously more often during the day where previously it had been not at all. I am definitely more awake in mornings after A.M. stretch. I really need the P.M. stretch now to close a day…it is now a routine – one of my original goals!

Susan Dekreon